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SFURTI Scheme update given in the Parliament-Rs 2.3 crores budget allocated
The Ministry of MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) on February 3, 2020, provided an update on the SFURTI scheme being implemented. About the Scheme The scheme SFURTI-Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional industries was launched in 2005. It enhances production of Khadi industries and artisans. Also, under SFURTI, the scheme for rural industries Service Centre (RISC) is being implemented. The scheme for Product Development, Design Intervention and Packaging is also implemented under SFURTI. Highlights A total amount of Rs 2.3 crores has been sanctioned for the scheme in the budget 2020.The Ministry updated the house that currently the scheme is working towards the following Developing clusters of Traditional industries for a period of 5 years To strengthen active participation of local stakeholders To make the traditional industries more competitive To build market intelligence, advanced processes, traditional skills and cluster based regenerated traditional industries. The clusters will focus on silk, handicrafts, cane products and bamboo in the year 2020-21.